
Online Quran Tutor

Learning Quran online is a great opportunity for people who do not have access to Quran teacher in the region they live in. Some people also might not have the opportunity to learn Quran due to different factors such as busy schedules so they cannot travel to the teacher due to jobs or other responsibilities. Learning Quran via an online Quran tutor gives you the freedom of choosing the teacher of your choice and reviews of their past teaching experience help in this regard. Learning from an online Quran tutor also gives you the freedom to select a time slot of your choice if you do not have free time during the day because of the job. Learning Quran by yourself is not easy and not recommended. 

There are several disadvantages to learning it on your own as you won’t even realize that you are learning it the wrong way. This way, you might end up learning it all wrong as pronunciation is the essential part of learning the Quran. If you learn something wrong, it is very difficult to learn it right from the start. There are other important things to learn such as Tartil which means learning how and when to stop while reciting Quran. Taking a pause is an essential part of speaking in any language as you need some time to catch your breath or to gather your thoughts while speaking. In Arabic, it is critical to learn when and how to stop while reciting Quran as stopping at certain points will change the meaning and context of the verse you are reading. 

Hiring an online Quran tutor will help you learn Quran correctly and with ease as these tutors are professional online Quran teachers and can help you in learning Quran during all the stages of learning.

Online Quran Teachers

Hiring an online Quran tutor or online Quran teacher will give you several advantages while learning Quran at any stage. As learning Quran can be classified into several stages from the start, you learn to identify the Arabic alphabet, and how to pronounce the alphabet, then it continues to learn the pronunciation of words and small verses. The next stage is to learn Quran fluently as you make multiple mistakes while trying to read it fluently. 

The essential part of learning while trying to read it fluently is to learn Tartil, so you learn how and when to stop if you want to pause while reciting a long verse. Tajwid and Tartil both are essential to learning from online Quran teachers as correct meaning in Arabic depends on both these skills. Pronouncing the Arabic alphabet can be difficult for beginners as people from different regions of the world have difficulty pronouncing certain alphabets, but online Quran tutors can help you in this regard. Hiring an online Quran teacher also helps you maintain your timetable as you do not need to travel for the classes and you can select the best available option that suits you. It also allows you to take classes during the night as online Quran tutors from several countries will have different time zone. 

Quran Tutor from Pakistan

Selecting an online Quran teacher from Pakistan will give you certain advantages over teachers from other countries as the national language of Pakistan is Urdu. Urdu has a lot of derived words from Arabic that help people from Pakistan to pronounce Arabic in the right way. It also helps them to teach it correctly. If you do it on your own, you would not even realize that you are learning it the wrong way and it is not easy to learn it the right way from the start. 


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